The Sweet Kiss of Memory

Memories Kiss

Memories Kiss

This piece is a story all it’s own. Selling for $1500.00

When I was running around with the Occupy Movement; the 99%, we would make head ways, we would break down, But through it all we were making change. Not just for ourselves but for all those that took for granted there God given rights to the pursuits of happiness.

The woman before you was my Godsend. Though many of you may not believe in miracles,  most of you have looked at religion and an active faith and called it fiction, or the delusions of a childish mind. I have come to laugh at these dictates, I have come   to see you all as hypocrites that constantly use the Lords name in vain, even when your prayers are sincere, there is no truth in you. Then you mock my truth, how angry I have become. Most of the time it is my own family that angers me because they were suppose to be in my corner, no matter what; and I have found that, it is the wondering memories that have been in my favor more than anything.

She was nothing to me, just another woman as all the others and then she saved me and I could do nothing except thank her and pine away for a friend that I will never meet again. Her ruby red lips where the rapier sword the stopped cold four to five police officers from tackling, beating, tasering, and trying to stomp on a man that looked like a bank robber. Though, my word is all that could proclaim my innocence on that score. Her vivacious lips did far more than my fists.

“Excuse me, honey please come with me, you don’t have to be here, we have money, we have a place to stay, I bought you shoes, see, look!” Bursting through a crowd comes the excitement of a dark haired, pasty pale beauty. Scott-Irish by the look of her green eyes. Sharp in contrast to her jet-black hair. The four police officers are stunned by her need to get to me. I was stunned by her courage.  She ends her tirade in a sweet kiss.

This kiss sealed the deal for the four police officers, we were just two kids at the Miami-Dade Mall again; not occupiers, not suspected bank robbers, not travelers, not a problem to anyone. It did not matter that she was white and I was black. It did not matter that she was younger than me and that we did not know each other from Adam. It did not matter that I was about to be rousted for no reason and she saved me. That kiss was so sweet, that nothing really mattered and innocence prevailed.

“Have you made it a habit of saving all the charming men you come across with a kiss?” I ask, my godsend. I dared to look the gift horse in the mouth and she was offended, which was her want. “I saved you…I don’t know why I saved you, just felt right.” She stammers as she separates her ruby reds from my lips. She picks up her duffel bag and I am again appalled at the fact that her kiss and words of caring saved me from having to Fight.

“Really, I have been running and dodging dirt bags like them for two years and just your love was enough to keep me out of a good rough and tumble, What a joke!” She cocks her head at me in surprise. “You mean you wanted to fight them, They were bigger than you.” I spit on the ground and pull a smoke. The last of my supply, Smile politely at my black haired angel. “I am a sinner who deserves this hell he has created for himself, trust me I am thankful for your graces and need to help, Only I have learned to relish in the gauntlet of this life. They won’t let me work like a “real man” and thus, as a real man, one must find work where he can. I reap the bodies of those that stand in my way, As I reap the terres and weeds from the earth. I have learned that with these hands one must Reap what he sows and I have sown only seeds of Strife and thus it has been so.”

She turns on her heel, looks over her shoulder with a smile as she walks away. “Well, I know a dead man when I see one. I will be praying for you, I saved you once, try to stay out of trouble, you owe me that at least.”

“That is funny coming from you, Your all by yourself and quite happy to go around kissing strangers and you tell me to stay out of Trouble. Sigh, Here’s to seeing you around Kid.”

That was the last I saw of those Rouge Colored lips. This story is priceless to me and so is the Image. How much would you sell the memory of the woman that saved your life with a kiss.

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