Princess Demi-D

More than anything, as an artist, I think I need hours out of the day set aside, when no one asks me for anything. I don’t even want them to look in my direction as if to ask me for something. Though I enjoy the promotions made from requested art, the lack of revenue made from my efforts, demotes my occupation into that of a hobby and it would seem, unless your creative yourself, no one outside of the creative field will respect you enough to give you the peace and space needed to compete in this volatile enterprise. Which is why it did not surprise me at all to hear how my scout and friend was having a hard time of it a few weeks back.

I am very excited about the progress being shown from works like “Princess Demi_D,” and “Janey’s Juiceboxxx.” These few pieces I tried very hard to stay away from the usual dark lined borders that give most of my pieces the elevated, holographic, 3Demensional appeal that made most comic book artists or companies like Variant, stand out. There is nothing wrong with it, it’s just too comical when wanting to be taken serious about classical themes like ‘full-body art,’ and traditional still-lives. Set’s Happy Birthday present: and “Gracie Giggles,” worked out fine, so did my Spanish Aquarius and her Leo: it all came out as I imagined, but I don’t want any of my new viewers to turn to using photo rendered or augmented photography works from artists because when they come to me all they will receive are caricature-like art.  Which, after thinking about it, that’s not true, it’s more like, I want to know if I can receive the same if not better appeal from my pieces if I complicate the colors a bit and make my audience eyes dance with dazzlement by all the options achievable from my pallet selection.

It may be to soon to branch off from my comfort zone and I am taking baby steps considering all of them remain 2 Dimensional  pieces when it’s done and it is still anthologized art but I am hoping my work will not longer come off as stale with this new experimentation. Apparently it worked with those who view my works, voting 3/5 stars for the soft print and holding out on votes for pieces like “Scarlet Beloved,” I was not expecting much from Janey’s Juiceboxxx but I am happy people enjoyed it.

Princess Demi_D mind you I am expecting a lot from. I want to avoid the mistakes of past projects in shading, appeal, arousal, hues, and fine lines. Oh I know my Californian muse will be kind and say it is good no matter what I bring to her, but I want to really wow myself with this one like I did with “Temple Harlot,” and “Faye Foxx,” It’s been 50+ years since man has been on the moon. nearly that long since man has had the internet. The means to transfer money and letters instantaneously. For that long if not longer man has viewed beauty in it’s natural state and has sought to keep a record of it through the arts and artists have competed to see who could best replicate life through mural, canvas, and journal illustrations. I believe it was Michelangelo or Leonardo De Vinci that believed it was an artists job to paint a portrait, still life, or full-bodied presentation as close to life as possible.

That was the aim in works like “Princess Demi_D,” and through hours of buffering lines, measuring proportions and balancing the composition I managed to create a piece of art that not only exemplifies the idea of Californian beauty and what we can expect of it, but I believe I took an age old tradition and applied it to a twenty six year old muse, who like me find a delicious enjoyment in the tastefully erotic.  I asked the princess for the opportunity to draw her for a few reasons I’d like to outline now.

  •  Wanting to know I could arouse her with the idea that I enjoy looking at her.
  • For a twenty six year old she is the very ideal of what a man like me would want in a wife, comfortable in her own skin, shy she might be but lacks no confidence in herself and what she can achieve simply by batting an eyelash.
  • Real women have curves and though I have a portfolio filled with varied shapes and sizes, little can compare to Princess Demi.
  • Others would come and seek to capture her image, if they had sense and I am very competitive in my desire to be the first to recreate what is presented before me.
  • I enjoyed the idea that she would sit before me in real life and allow me to have my fill of her image , that she’d look at me with desire and curl her toes in reaction to my pencil outlining her shoulder blades.
  • Not being able to get over her devotion to a sex artists as myself, I wanted to match her appeals by presenting a piece of art that without words says, “I support your desire to be a sex worker and pay gladly tributes to your natural gifts.”
  • When she no longer feels the need to tease others with promises of love she’d never hold solely for them, retires from the coy and flirtatious demands of her profession, marries and has lots of children, I can say I held her gaze and had her devotion before the blessed man that is able to capture her heart and seal it with a 6 month salary ring.

For more information about the featured image: please feel free to visit

Re-Evaluating My Ideas About Art!

The featured image is a piece of art I devised at the request of a new fan: Just wanted to take the time to thank you for your love and support and friendship,

~Janey’s Juiceboxxx~!!!

It was odd to receive support for my poems, pay for copies and then never hear from the Red Clay Review ever again. They just took my donations and my poems and I have no proof of having won their contests, or being published in their magazine.  It’s been nearly two years that I’ve asked for those publications to share abroad and I’ve heard nothing. Very strange. I am rather afraid of letting off for a while. I have not really done anything. At least nothing that impresses me. All I see are my mistakes. Isn’t that sad. This is why I refuse to believe in the notion of bad art. If something is marketable, it is not bad and when I am made to watch how some of the worst art is given attention I am tempted to not even try. That is even more depressing. Is this what is known as a rut or art block, or have I just run out of things to talk about? I’ve not felt this bad about my work in a long time, feeling unfulfilled and worthless, wondering what I have to do to retrieve the spark that helped me create my earlier pieces? Move away from a particular style that can be considered lazy, compared to more extensive pieces.

I have been thinking about a friend of mine from Texas, who went by the name of “Red,” he was the originator of “Twisted Clown-Art,” 561e6356a7b9b10c726f76bf5bf8101f--tattoo-chicana-chicano-tattoos.jpg and when he looked at my older works and sketches and ability, he considered me to be like his brother, little brother, who he considered the best artist in the world. I was flattered that he liked my work so much and I just hope my reliance on the computer has not deadened my skills with art on paper, or art period. This is what he said to his friends and those closet to him, “That guy is a real artist!”  I received so many requests to just draw people, portraits, family members, wives, loved ones, and just weave their fantasies. I have a journal full of faces of people that I may never see again but enjoyed putting to canvas. The most amusing thing is, that was in prison. 516665_adventvoice_anna-maria.jpg

Now I receive requests online at nearly the same volume and as usual  no one offers to pay. I can’t tell if that is due to a lack of skill or they are just cheap? I could not find any of Red’s art online, I wish I could, I’d love to see him again. He was the kind of artist that lost a lot due to drugs. Before he met me he refused to pick up the pencil to doodle because the memories of the family, friends, and times in his life when things were good and tattooing provided enough for him to pay his rent and love his wife at night. He would sell his art for drugs and that is when his life went south, fast. Lost everything but when I met him and we began to mess around with making designs and sling ink, I revitalized a love for the work in him and myself. I want that drive again, that spark, I just don’t know how to conjure it up.

I love a lot of last years additions and their are some sketches you all have never seen that I enjoy but all I see are mistakes and reason for improvements. It is frustrating to work on a piece of art and never just be satisfied with what I was wanting to express or feeling as if I left something out and should remember to bring it up again. It’s like playing a game of golf and doing well on the drive but still parring 4/4 by the end of a round. I want to play with the big leagues and won’t get their if I can’t compete consistently at their level.

Holly the Tapeworm.jpg  <<This piece  is a fan-art piece of CringeAndLetCringe furry creation Holly the Tapeworm. I had promised to draw her a long time ago. So long ago, I am not going to mention it anymore because you might wonder as I do, how she puts up with me after all this time.  Since I am still on my beach vacation in my mind, I thought she should join me there, so I put her in a nice bathing suit. I was not quite sure if I should have her running in the water, walking away with that coy expression into another side of a bungalow, etc, etc, there is a lot I could have done with all that negative space. For now I am just satisfied to look at her from this angel. A very hot tapeworm indeed.

This was supposed to be a simple project. How did things turn so complicated so fast. LOL.

I should have finished this a long time ago…but I get so distracted with is sad. In the long run, I am glad I took my time and really thought things through, cause she came out wonderfully.

With this piece, I am reluctant to admit that I was kind of inspired by Slugbox when it came to the clouds in this one.… In some of his works he does similar things with clouds in his pieces, kind of branching them down and away, to give a lot of depth to the piece he works on. I was reluctant to admit this because it would involve admitting that I watch the Derpy Hooves News from time to time.

Thanks  Nitwitsworld you have forever influenced my style of art. 

I really should not be so hard on myself. We all have good days and bad days. Good years and bad decades. We are entitled to them and should learn from them. We should be willing to share that knowledge and be humble enough to say, “I really botched that up but I persevered and here is something better to replace the old.” I can say I’ve learned a lot about myself and can see a progress in the appeal of my work. I just don’t know if it is 60,000 dollars worth of appeal and I can’t remember what kind of art I produced at the age of sixteen that would have encouraged someone to make such an offer. I guess at my age, it’s not important now and I should find that spark that helped me create some of my better works.

Lesbian Love

Defiance Amanda and Berlin @ a bar.jpg

I should choose five I do like and build from their. After completing the bar scene from Defiance from a request of a fan of my work, I kept thinking of how to make it better and the idea of better is predicated upon which side of the Berlin wall I am standing on. From the standards of the Far East, this piece is fine but when compared to the West and American ideals of art and what it should encompass: I am sorely lacking in a little fleshing out and shading. At first I felt bigoted in my observation. Ideally art is not limited by hemispheres or geological location nor predicated upon it but from a birds eye view, it really is. Because I am a man of no home, neither is my art. It is so strange to be me the odd man out in almost ever culture. To hear their are not enough black artists or super hero’s nor is our art accepted, or not enough anime love here or Futa love there and to produce it only to be told, they wanted it to be a little more commercialized, makes me want to hurl a fire-ball at their face.

I am an underground artist and being forced to slave in front of a piece of art, so it will look like a carbon copy of what’s already been done a million times over is just not satisfying to me. It’s a very cloistering time in my life. I visit the local art studios and notice they only want abstract art and can not understand digital art at all or how to sell it for that matter. Where most artists in this area are hindered mentally and remain in the 40’s-80’s in their presentation, I am in the year 2000’s-2006 in my expression of art and online that is so far behind, when everyone I talk to online presenting works with software that shoots them into the next millennium. I am happy with my current work though. They are fun and amusing, tantalizing, tasteful and cute.  @Lewdua appreciated Defiance and I can walk away from the piece with that amount of satisfaction. To know she sees worth in my performance and is excited to see what I can produce in 1-2 years is so heart warming, I could burst into tears. The world is different from my youth. The days of submitting works to publishers and having to wait for a response from people are over. Now the response and support is instantaneous and I could not have survived these three years without the support and input from viewers like you.

Sometimes I consider I might have looked at the idea of art requests from the wrong side. Instead of being disturbed by the idea of doing something for free, I should consider that people are willing to ask me for art at all and be grateful. Especially when I consider how many better artists their are out there. When women send me pictures of their faces and bodies and trust that I will do a good job in representing them: or(( << Who has decided to surprise me and use the image I made as a profile image for her twitter account.)) with my style and dedication, I think there is reason to allow for no payment and remain satisfied with the endorsement. I should feel overjoyed that groups on look at my presentations and say, “Let us feature you.” I do.

In times passed I’ve been asked, what did I want to gain from my art? I really could not answer and realized that is a very important question artists should seek to answer in the midst of their personal development and growth. In seeking to answer this question for myself and others all I could say at this moment in my life is that my work was, in the beginning an attempt to explain away the hurt of not being in son’s life: and trying to find out what can be said to excuse my absence:

To stress the importance of leaving a mark in the world our children can be proud of. To express my contempt of mothers that keep their children from their fathers and the institutions that do nothing to heal broken lives but make things worse.

A lot of that was lost in the indulging of other’s fantasies, or my desire to not focus so much on myself but on others and hearing about the trials they face and wanting to illustrate solutions yet to be thought of.

If there is no suffering and only love, I want to be able to capture that moment and have the freedom to apply those life lessons by my pen. Maybe these ideas are not relate-able to some because they remain indifferent to the valleys and peaks of our world and their interaction with man. These I feel, are those that will watch a drama or comedy and not be moved to any emotion and refuse to commit themselves to anything in life. Now you might be asking, what does this have to do with my objectification of women and allure to sex? If you can see sex and the interactions or the intersectionality between man and woman, or man and man, or woman and woman, or futa and woman and the stories derived from these characters as a good thing, then I guess I don’t have much to say to you or can do little to persuade you of the joy found in the climax.







Things I Think About While On Vacation

After having finally making it to the beach and hauling most of my life from the car into my fourth floor room, I could listen to the waves and relax. My previous journals are filled with a wide variety of topic discussions and many of them remain incomplete. Which is a shame really, because I really did not want to fill this newest section with anything but my thoughts on art. It’s past and it’s future.

I suppose I got off on the wrong foot if I wanted to make that a goal, because “Armageddon,”  Armagedon   is how I spent the first few days of July.

If I am going to discuss the guild and all it entails I can’t ignore the inspiration of CyberKitten:

Alexia Thorne.jpg who took an original character of mine: and made it his own. For those of us that have been in a slump and revert back to what is comfortable but desire something more and lacking a text book; meaning their is room for experimentation, they should consider his style. James Bridges from the UK, reminds me a lot of the creator of Sasha~Saikyodragon, in the use of high resolution and fine-line cell shading. I was highly impressed with his ability to take my 2 demensional mind and super impose it into his surreal world. I used to think surreal was an definition used to lazily, or due to lack of a better description, explain the mode and structure of an artists development. I mean, some have gone so far as to call my works surreal and because I could not offer anything better, I would leave it alone. When I look at the version of Alexia Thorne, devised by James Bridges, I am astounded to think there is something to aspire to. I am rather curious to see if that style translates to sequential art and can be used to illustrate a good story. Won’t know until I try.

loving-my-dragon.jpg Can you imagine someone getting a portrait of someone they love in that format? Wicked! How about video games and the cinematic cut scenes. When I think of movies like A Scanner Darkly, starring Keanu Reeves, with this art as a foundation for the challanges between his very stoned friends. I think this just goes to show how far the world of art can take us and how much artists like James Bridges are needed. 

I hope to see his name in lights and big things coming from his very talented hands.

I guess besides admiration there is little I can say about my present commission and interests, my vacation proved to be much of a distraction and any thoughts about Alexia Thorne, Antifa Terrorists, the legitimacy of our President, the biases held by Fox News and liberal stations and the lack of trust that can be found in any community for members of another community, seems to have faded, for at least those few days. I’d like them to. The one thing that stuck with me this time as many times of visiting the Crown Reef, it is the peace surrounding the race relations that is not expressed elsewhere but conveniently fits with my discussions poised in “Fallen Angel,”


The Crown Reef, historically was considered a place for a white majority and black visitors always had to stay on the North Side of the beach. It is 2019 and whatever division is expressed via mainstream media, political agendas, or desires by the average man or woman with no camera in their face or microphone in hand, does not exist and it is this life style I’ve lived in my mind and seek to materialize in my very real world. Even at the risk of censorship. It is an ideal I’d love to memorialize in the guild of art and save from the destruction of Iran-Russian-North Korean-Chinese nuclear destruction. It is a moment in time I’d not risk to the heart felt compassion of a Social Justice Warrior like atmosphere, built by my Christian counter parts. Did you hear me?

I do not condone the idea that anyone has a right to deny someone the right to stomp the yard as Antifa, or ground the gavel as conservative coverage. I should say this about my trip, never go to the beach with an eighty five year old woman, any woman at that age and expect to have a relaxing time at the beach. Not now-a-days at least. The far distance between the times she remembers of the beach and the present reality of the beach and the world for that matter is lost on the aged and completely taken for granted. The hot tub, sun bathing, the meals, the parking, the cost and the overall experience, can be daunting, especially for those not used to numerous amounts of ethnic skinned afro’d trimmed and tattooed individuals in one place.

I for one being so young and conformed to these differences we all posses and how the culture has progressed. Of course for someone in their fifties and nineties, they would see it as a regression and I have to bite back the bile that arises at the idea of our present surroundings and appealing as being what we all wanted out of the civil rights movements of the 60’s. Acceptance is so hard to achieve in our very tribal existence, at least it won’t be reflected through the television anytime soon. Not when we’ve confused the definition of antifascist to mean, if you don’t think like me, I have a right to throw egg in your face, or conservative television will stand with a homosexual American, (the journalist was attacked by Antifa for spreading lies about their cause) in hopes of showing a tolerance they have never shown the homosexual community in the past.

That is just me reacting to the idea that conservative television and Fox News pretends not to understand the validity behind liberals showing up their hypocritical nature in the face of  Smollett and the Antifa journalist. That entire conversation is centered around race relations and the conservative party fighting any language that should suggest it is conservative media that supports Antifa and Alt-right campaigns. They were very quick to suggest all radical movements from the KKK, Black Panthers, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, SWS, and SJW’s and SPLC all are in cahoots against conservative, Christian and black people, Jews, and minorities.

Mr Andy Ngo? Will he be the excuse for congress to pass the Journalist Protection Act?? Through accreditation and in the possibility of his death? The question should be, how was he the only one that was assaulted, if Antifa is so violent? No buses burned, no stores vandalized, a peaceful protest that ended in one man that claimed to be a journalist and produced publications Democrats and Republicans have no intention of obtaining order but seek to mark another group a terrorist organization. A friend of mine believes their has to be another black man to rise and die to get people to realize they are facing a form of slavery, supremacy, and oppression, that stems from elitism but has a cybernetic edge and no paper trail, so it is easier to hide. It will result in the death of a few thousand impoverished, due to lack of medical, social, environmental and occupational care and remains a racially driven issue. I wish their was some way I could prove to her how short sighted this idea is and how far we have come from the days of segregation. It is hard to do that with the constant regurgitation of devaluing ideologies broadcast  from both parties.



Happy 31st Birthday To Me!!

Thirty one years. That is a big number and so I had to dedicate July 25 2019 to Chibi-Art!

I don’t think after the stories I have shared or what I know about myself that anyone would have thought I’d make it to this age and have room for more. Eight days from I still don’t think I will know for sure what to do with myself. It is not enough time to figure out what I want. Instead I will use that day to remember the three years of producing works of art that invoke the attentions of artists like,,,,,,, and…my list of artists that are friends and associates is long and extensive, we will be hear all day if I continue. The few fans I have been able to gather on twitter, in the midst of my ramblings, observations and declarations for the love of the world of art, are just as appreciated, if not more.

I have been wanting to take the time to discuss how interesting it is to be addicted to emojis and heart notifications. It is a trend that I am sure will become as common place as the many spam alerts and thot advertisements I’ve recieved in my email box and on twitter. Thirty one is not such a bad age to be so deeply involved in the many social gatherings available online and in the real world.,,,,,, and having the ability to fuse them all together into one piece of art is just as fulfilling

To be an advocate for Love, Truth, Peace, Knowledge, Wisdom, Culture, LifeStyles and the Arts, means I must embrace mental yoga and enjoy the flexibility needed to gather both sides of a story and make it mine. Empathy. Without it we are rigid, slow, gawky, and awkward.

I cast hearts throughout my twitter feed, nearly every morning, not so much from expecting anything in return. It’s just easier than writing a long message that says the same thing. For me the hearts are an endorsement and a reminder for me to look into that conversation again at a later date for the potential in moving a previous conversation. For example @StaceyLovesWeed of twitter mentions the detention centers filled with children: and I reminded of previous posts I have made about the very situation when there were grown men in those camps and still I don’t know what has happened to the women…no one is talking:

What I really would like to know is the real incentive behind collecting hearts. Is it like a Zelda video game and I increase my stamina in the entrepreneurial field I have chosen to undertake. Making propaganda posters and encouraging the inclusion of colored people on the world stage of literature: Do they hearts reflect the endorsement of my craft and secure the promise of payment for my work at a later date, or is it merely a confirmation of someone on the other line of communication and how they actually care about what I have to say?

I don’t know what to say to those that can’t keep up with my writings and feel lost or confused., my empathy extends to you as well. for I’ve been their in life, lost and confused. The best way I manage chaos and turmoil is to silence myself. Listen for the bits of truth in the midst of the whirl wind and allow that small still voice to guide me.

Rarely do I take into account the ideas of others when it comes to art, illustration, and writing, because I love the independence, secured in my own creations. Can you imagine what my work would look like if every time someone gave me advice I was trying to do what they said..or keep to the rules of Nothing against them and they are entitled to there opinions and there is some good work that comes out of their collection, but I refuse to be ruled by the approval ratings of one source, when as the old saying goes, “If you are not appreciated in one venue, doors are ready to open to you in another.” In fact I would include all of the works rejected by HF for some reason or another and seek support in publishing them just for the sake of art. In a sense it would be digging deeper into the underground, searching for the lust-filled ideas passed on by closed minded people. The denial of “Gracie Giggles,” by HF was to be expected really, I wish I knew of another site I could submit works to, but I like the experimentation and the appeal of HF. When your work is accepted, it is like I’ve managed to get the gate keepers to honor my appeal and made something worth talking about. <<That was made by me>> Can be seen here as well.

It is as good a feeling as the heart notifications on twitter.

“Neko’s Love,” was denied by and compared to pieces like I can understand why, which is fine, but it’s that piece I feel really dates me as an illustrator. It’s the only piece that reminds me of artists like KJimmy and the brand of art that the idea came from. It’s a style that took off in America and I suppose England but never really made a staple in the Far East. I am no where near his level though…I want to be..just takes practice I guess. I am getting there:

I suppose if there was an American lewd illustration site, I would fit right in. I should make a list and see how many will accept works and feature “Spanish Aquarius & Her Leo,” or “Play-date with Lewdua,” The only real reason I was interested in Hentai-Foundry was because believed in me. He is really my best friend in the world of art. Without his approval I’d not be able to continue in the Art Portal on and I’d have to search for more support for my work.

Which in truth I should not wait until he gets bored with and decides to take his work elsewhere. I should be asking those interested to scout me. Now who would do that? I’ve supported a lot of people,,,,,,, and in the past three years I’ve kind of neglected myself.

I have done a lot for other people and I’ve spent a lot of money to aid other artists, kind of makes me wonder how many artists, kinds like me, are there out there that if not better than me have been published, have sponsors, lost sponsors and will have no trouble finding more because they have a nice presentation?

Outside of my book: (Part of me wishes I could find seventy two people willing to read it.) and my poems: “Dream Thief,” “Theif of Void,” “Apt: 1012,” “Moonlit Ride” “Maggie McNiell and the Dream Weaver,”,,

The Dream Weaver and I haven’t finished sharing his history or aided you all in knowing where he is going, as I said, “I’ve been neglecting myself,” so I am going to be kind to myself and more than likely finish a new book and tell more of the drifters tales and introduce new characters. Maybe not on my birthday, but surely in the future.

I could not have come as far as I have if it was not for and Twitter my twitter fans are awesome and the many people that converse with me on a daily basis have made this journey very magical.

Show Stopping Twinkle Toes

I have never been more pleased with myself as I am now to have been able to entice a beautiful young woman to send me pictures of her gorgeous body to add to my collection of inspiring women. Isn’t she adorable? I get a hard on whenever I think about how I can worship her body. “Twinkle Toes.”

Sketching her was rather simple, the background was the hard part. I wanted to keep with what was in front of me, believing the true art behind being able to draw what you see and not deviate from the real life visual pattern is a skill I don’t want to loose in my desire to illustrate from my fantasies. A very tight rope to scale on and if I slip from time to time, I love settling on the fog of surrealism to keep the frame work together. I had in mind to keep her in  a comfortable room where she can sport her lingerie for my eyes only. To imagine myself right in front of her while she stands by the window, looking out at the morning traffic. The light curving around her neck just so. A soft bed with a shallow viel to keep away prying eyes or  mosquitoes that swell with the summer heat. Entering the room through a half open door, creeping into the bed to surprise her summer lover. The dreams really are endless. The works is grueling. I suppose anything worth the effort and money spent to produce art is going to make someone nervous and excited about the reactions to the delivery. That is the addictive part to the work. It’s what makes me come back for more or to experiment with new ideas.

Break the envelope of tradition and find a real person willing to cooperate with my vision of the world and feature them in their own sequentially patterned story. Whenever I do a portrait or a full-bodied sketch of a person, frame them in their world and immortalize them with the pen, I ask a million questions of a silent muse, that if it spoke, would sing of a million things my hands could not capture all at once. That is what is so intoxicating about the notion of turning “Twinkle Toes,” into a Show Stopping star and fill my journals with her lingerie smiles.

Set her dancing to the music that builds naturally when complimentary minds fill the room. She is so young, has yet to learn how intimidating life can be and we are to build our adventures, our love stories and shape dreams, line upon line. I am no master but I am over joyed at the opportunity of taking this journey with her. I want to watch her grow and when she reaches my age, draw her again to see how time has filled her breasts, and hips in the fashioned curves of a goddess. Comfort found in admiring from a distance. I am older now and at any time I could be no more than a memory. Let it be said she will speak of the man willing to worship her body with paint, pen, and balance. She is the kind of person you can watch and admire as she walks across a room and it’ll raise no issues. Undress her slowly and mark the tan-lines with your tongue. Find comfort in her long legs wrapped around your hips and hair cascading in your hands. She’d turn the most brutish of men into lap dogs, no matter the shade of her lingerie.

Twinkle Toes the Show Stopper, who does not have to strip tease, ride a pole to pay rent, collude with the feds to make a million from a politician, I’d encourage her to remain as innocent as she is, smile and kiss me, cast wishes upon a weaver and watch how the world gravitates to her. With her index finger, she will make you kneel and beg for more. Can it get any better than that?

Short answer, yes.

After graduating high school and beating her brains in behind the SAT’s. After living a life sheltered by a father and mother and cared for by adults who believed as many like them that achieving a 4 year college education is the only way to have anything in this world, that she’d be selling pictures of her feet, legs, hips, thighs, and face on the internet for a living?  Did she ever think she’d find an artist that would stop her in the street and ask her to pose for him as he takes her presence in? Did she ever think she’d desire to take in his essence and enjoy how he sucked on her toes? Did she ever imagine she’d care how he looked at her, capturing ever detail, even to how she tied her scrunchy in her hair?

In our youth the days where simple and the time well spent. Now we spend it pining away for the schemes that will equate in our momentary satisfaction, creating memories that will outlast a cappuccino. Who did she love before my gaze began to undress her? Would they have imagined she’d become a pet of a thirty one year old black artist  still starving from his five year jaunt as a street performer? Does any of that matter now that we are alone and have these moments to indulge each other?   What are her ideas of attractiveness and do I measure up? It is funny I should care to ask, these things have never been an issue previously, to her.

Blonde hair, pink lips, pretty toes and commanding fingers, what would she whisper to me as the evenings grow warmer to her lamp light? Does she look for loyalty of those willing to worship her feet?


Twinkle Ann

The Spanish Aquarius & Her Leo

Eleven more days before I am 31. I still can’t say I’ve achieved what I desire from my art, but those that give me praise and continue to crowd my twitter feed with requests for art or share their legs, breasts, and the curves that make me drool are loved and cherished.  You’ve been the best friends an underground artist can ask for. Those of you that have taken the time to laugh at my jokes and read my blogs, make waking up in the morning a joy. I love when my notifications ring and someone has something interesting to share or just is saying hello in passing. Take a look at my art and have only good things to say. Really makes you family. In the humanitarian kind of way.

Are we allowed to say that anymore? Are we allowed to express how good it feels to keep a conversation going with a stranger we met years ago who has almost nothing to do with our own personal motivations, for waking up in the morning? That is what  Spanish Bunny has been for me. It’s been a few months but she’s really become needed. She is the water to my flame. Makes me want to make a comic of her and the Dream Weaver in a situation that gives a visual, a sequential expression of what I’d do with her if she was not so far away. Make the dream real. Put it on a tablet and download it whenever I get to missing her. Missing her because life got busy and she found something else to get into. I would entitle the story, “Perfectly Illustrated,” using the bold black print from Sports Illustrated magazines as a format. Kind of like a parody of a time when such magazines where taboo and in some places they still are. I can work on sketches but I’d have to ask her permission to incorporate her name into the story. Maybe, ‘Spanish Illustrated’ should be the title?

Not only is fantasy furry art a good escape for me, but so are beautiful women. Animals as well. I was happy to draw a lion again. It’s been so long since I have drawn an animal. Oh sure humans are animals and I suppose that counts but I don’t think we can really replace a human with the nature of a four legged beast. Then again there are some that would claim I do exhibit habits reserved for the beasts of burden. Not wanting to eliminate criticism from the discussion all together, did you know male lions in the midst of mating season have to copulate with the lioness at least 4x a day?

Would I be so brave as to pose for an artist? Send my face, chest, shoulders, Cajun, Native American, Creole, African American, Scot-Irish, ruddy brown  physique to one skilled as I in the art of man, asking them to see me for who I am and love me enough to make it real? It really is remarkable, I have my father to thank for this skill and I have his discouragement of anything new to thank for my present willingness to work everyday to prove him and those that think like him wrong. He is not alone in the claim that my fresh approach to the world of art is childlike. Infantile in it’s strokes and lacking depth as the ancients with merely paint and  easel where able to produce before the age of our present digital expansion. I have grown to love the shock and awe when I am able to take old skills and transfer them to the computer. I am still drooling over “Gracie Giggles,” and “Juicy Jolene Chicago.” They could my favorite’s of this year.  A year filled with challenges I’ve tried not to express in my art work.

I use the work as an escape from reality and my troubles or a way to explain them away. I took a life of a street artist and have sought to make it desired, expected and hanging on the walls of museums that house the works of Tsutsumi & Guerlais, Alphonse Mucha, nad the wanderlusts of Danny Gregory as if those are the only forms of art that can be appreciated. I don’t mind the isolation at all when it comes to my work. To be unique is grand and should be encouraged by publishers, editors, and promoters of talent. Indie art should be the first things presented in most galleries but the  eclecticness of it intimidates people. They look at the work and the first thing they ask is, “How do I sell it?”  Rarely will they bask in the mode of expression, the depths of character, and find the beauty in the details. No, they gloss over the work and if it does not fit into commercialized settings, here come the denials to one’s applications.

It is always that way with works of genius. They wait until you die and then sing about how wonderful you were and took the time to understand you. Their is an expression where I come from, used when we find ourselves heading down such a road. “Fuck That Noise.” It was such a wonderful expression. It called forth ambition and demanded those that were set to hinder progress, to think around convention and accept what we were offering. Very concise English as well. That is what I sought to obtain from my “Spanish Aquarius & Her Leo.” (That is our featured image today). A very concise message of where I want to be and who I want to be with, even if she does not want to be with me of find me worthy. If she believes my devotion to her is short, I’d hope to remedy that by drawing her every chance I get. I have the rest of my life and being surrounded by images of a woman like her is not bad at all.

This is really not a foreign concept you know; Mary Jane from SpiderMan was originally designed by a model from the 50’s a pin-up girl that for the life of me I wish I could remember her name. Do any of you know??  Anyway I am sure there are a million faces that have inspired artists to create their own Mono-Lisa’s. No one knows for sure what kind of love was between Mono-Lisa and the craftsman behind her smile but many have speculated. The Spanish Aquarius mind you is more than an Icon I can look at and worship, she is the voice that urges my fingers to paint, the one that listens, finds me interesting, closer than a lover. Never knew it was possible to care for someone that much. To relate to anyone, read her writings and walk the world in her shoes, desire to do more for those right next to you and actively change the world. She makes you want to do that. Bend the knee and wait upon her hand to touch your chin, only then do you know it’s safe to look into her eyes.

The enchantment does not fade in time, only enhances by her periodically coy glances and tipping of her chin. She is utterly delightful.

Raises Issues For Me.

Disclaimer: The featured image of this article is supplied by our very own fan I asked to illustrate her because she is such an inspiring woman. There are so many women that choose sex-work as a profession, but they refuse to show their faces to the public. I am weary of those individuals. I don’t believe in the erotic industry we are allowed to ride the fence on some issues. I entitled this article ‘Raises Issues For Me,’ to express some of the things that have been on my mind. 

 As I worked on the art, I compare Ms. Gracie Giggle’s boldness with those younger than her and commend her. We need more like her. Especially artists like myself that enjoys body-positive works. I have come to equate sex-workers that don’t show their faces, with liars, and women willing to sell a man out to the police, all for the sake of not going to prison behind the accusation of being a prostitute. I personally feel those unwilling to take eroticism to it’s limits, give credence to those that seek to pass harsh judgement on the practice.    In short, if you are doing nothing wrong be like Gracie Giggles and show your face.

It is certain that due to my restrictions I can just forget about making any real money via the internet, but their are many people that in their older years find the peddling of adult content and NSFW material to be wonderfully profitable, for everyone involved.

As I build my portfolio I can only hope to have enough content to share and entertain the masses the moment I am freed from those sequestering details.

Ms. Gracie Giggles, has followed our little organization via twitter for quite some time now and is wonderfully supportive of our work.

I’d love to take her to dinner and ask, how she feels aught to be done to aid men and women who are denied access to gainful employment online due to their sullied pasts. Pasts that included them going to prison and upon freedom are told if they use the internet they would be risking prosecution and a return trip to confinement? 

Listen to the rap legends on the radio and their stories of dodging the Feds or telling on their friends about the level of drugs they sold that destroyed the lives of everyone around them, about the amount of money it took so their girlfriends who enjoy kissing women don’t have to sell pictures of their pussies to eat bread and stay out of the projects. Compare those stories with that of the playboy bunnies, erotic artists, and lovers of lewd productions and the regulations enforced by the Federal government on ‘sex-offenders,’ the war on whores, pimps, and writers like myself, would be worthy of a lyrical anthem set to a hip-hop rhythm and we’d all be telling the same story.

Give me a million dollars and the amount of sex, drugs, and music that can be produced from my quest of individualized freedoms to express my contempt for any nation that would seek to imprison me because I sought to make some money, nontaxable dividends and hard cash for the dreams weaved from lust filled experiences.

I’ve got friends in the sex industry who refuse to marry, settle down and have babies, move into homes with white picketed fences and be damned if they have to settle for a regular nine-five, not because they like sex so much, but because the potential for making it rich enough to buy a private island is more than enough to sacrifice, what is to them a superficial happiness.

I never mean to get personal with my acquaintances but I like to know that their are those that see the grind of entertainment as a stepping stone to prettier hills and green valleys, they can call home. That they won’t be found dead, lying alone in a hospice, yet to achieve the money needed to buy that mansion they dreamed of while dodging the feds and officials that thought it better to tax individuals out of business. Art has been pushed so far underground that the thought of selling pictures of still-lives and paintings of people, I’d like to never remember or plants and animals, manifests an issue.

The fact that I can equate the crime of money laundering paper, to the federal oversight of the amount of digital tits and dicks on paper; raises issues for me. The thought of being reported to the police by someone that does not appreciate sex related images, flagged and monitored, banned or asked to show a passport and identification to move some pictures and videos of sex related material raises issues for me.

The only ones making a profit are the women that have been scooped up by the cops, told to shoot some videos, told to never show their faces to keep them protected and legal, to bag perverts willing to spend money on something that is clearly legal and consensual. It raises issues for me. I don’t have all the answers but as I ride around my city and gather the stories kept in dark circles, I have grown tired of the notion that I’ll never have exposure for my work because the content I like producing raises issues for a section of the masses that complain of the unfairness of an economic structure, while callously barring ‘we the people,’ from profiting on material that continues to raise sky-scrappers in Vegas, Reno, Maine, New York, DC, Miami, Houston, and B-MO’re. I am treated as if I am peddling primo, drugs and under aged children, and all I have is a blank 8×11 piece of paper with some pretty pictures on the cover.

When Given The Choice, I Hope You Will Choose Love.

Many of you may not know but I have been on vacation for a few days. July 1-5 was a time of real joy and fireworks and no work, which was nice. I have pictures I might take the time to share later. While I was on vacation a lot came to me in the way of thoughts and ideas and though I wanted to share them here, it seems that was not possible, so when you have the time be sure to read “Fallen Dreams,” and “Armageddon,” to really catch the inside scoop of how I feel the world should conduct it’self in the future.

Now this has very little to do with my chosen profession and should stay out of my journals. It only reflects the callousness that is attributed to age. Before my vacation June 11 a family needed a place to stay and I work for a Christian organization known for aiding people in need, in the name of Christ. Of course their are protocols to follow and rules that should be adhered to when dealing with people in need. I should have referred all inquiries of available services to the Board of Directors, and I have been sure to express countless times that I am not in charge of anything here, (Though I am the first person people see, I do the heavy lifting, I clean up after goats, I care for an 84 year old woman that should be in a home for the elderly, but since I am here she stays in her home safe and sound. I am a hired lackey, a babysitter, a watchdog, Lassie.) and can’t make decisions for those of this administration, especially without consulting and giving them time to have reviewed the request.

Anyway the family comes asking for assistance, one has cancer, the other drives from one city to the next for work and they have four children and they are all black as spades and wanting help. I give what I can and charge in the name of helping: $50 a week and I leave them to their own devices. That is not the usual charge for giving someone aid, in truth I felt bad to charge anything. The director of the board, I suppose was suggesting I did not charge enough. I was surprised considering they have not charged me a dime and if they did, considering their is no work in this town, I would pitch a fit, if they DSCF0043.JPG    thought to charge me $500-$1000 a month for Christian Charity. Of course I am considered crazy and unreasonable in some circles: have called me crazy.png   So outside of a Board of Directors setting, what would I charge to aid the helpless and in need? Clearly what those in need could sustain. That is crazy talk mind you. The Board whom presumes to be in charge of me, was disturbed that without permission, I allowed a family to stay on the land ten dollars cheaper than an extended stay requirement of the local  Motel 6. They were upset that I did not turn in the funds ever week. Mind you because they did not know about the decision, I did not think they should be involved with the funds until the month was over. Especially since the family was routinely short on the 50.00 requirement most of the time. Again not my decision to make.

Did they reverse my decision? No. Why?

Because I was not wrong, I am not crazy and they would have done what I did, granted they may have charged more, they would not have denied anyone aid, especially if they believe in the path of Christ, the path to heaven being paved by bricks of compassion and charity.

This disturbance in the brand of support and charity I was willing to give and was rebuffed for giving, really deters me from wanting to give aid to this organization in the future. Which though I’ve not been vocal as to why I am here, giving aid to the helpless is at the crux of it. My blogs, my thoughts, my yearning, outside of my lewd fantasies has always been to give a helping hand when I deem it necessary. That was my position in making “APT: 1012,” 

Which I would just like to say, in real life Dino was apprehended by the police and given life in prison.

Aid was my position in developing a project that would raise awareness to our over crowded prison institutions. 

In all of my discourses and sociological studies in word, I’ve appealed to the notion of what it takes to sit in the Hall of Valor for what one believes but my own failings are similar to that of those before me. When faced with the choice of actually responding to the needs of the people, we rebuff the responsibility and believe a person has to pull themselves up from their own boot straps and will refuse them or in my recent case, rebuff the act of charity as fool hardy and irresponsible. Condemn the act of love as enabling and never giving space for compromise or finding solutions that will allow all parties to reap the benefits promised in the epistle of James chapter 2 (KIV).

All this situation has taught me is I can not rely on anyone to aid me in my desire to be free of my own burdens. Liberty, for me, will not come from the coalition of like minded people that believe in the promises of God because we in America have become selfish.

The Bible through and through is about the selfless love of Christ and his desire that we should follow in his steps if we are to achieve anything in this life, yet again time has proven to be our masters and due to our lack of faith, we would go so far as to use the backs of men to earn our gain.

We justify this with talk of being in a decaying world and all is vanity anyway, nothing will change until we go to heaven or Jesus comes back. I refuse to live my life in darkness and sin because of such excuses. I wont to give my fellow man a piece of heaven, now! We have envisioned Apocalypse Now, why is it so hard to see Heaven Now?

For the world is already experiencing hell or the shades of Armageddon. I can not call myself anyone’s friend, if I am willing to leave them in the state of pain I found them in and I don’t hold anyone less accountable than to the standards I hold myself.  The only real consequence of remaining around sycophants as I am at present, is the hindrance in my ability to give people an applied alternative to having to rely on Social Services for their bread and butter. My art and writings designed to spark entrepreneurial drive will not be realized by me personally because I will be expected to remain the indentured servant of those that believe in paying me $100 a week, they’ve done me a favor enough and when my charge dies they can be rid of me and I’ll have to find my own way as a starving artist in a world that finds my chosen profession to be of no value.

I will have to keep this damnable albatross of the past, about my neck. Denied work, shelter, and companionship, and my pursuit of happiness. I suppose with so much to lose I can be forgiven a little selfishness.